Wednesday 25 June 2014

Scottish outings with Heather!

Heather arrived on the 27th of May, by bus, coming up from London. Unfortunately for her, her bus was over an hour late! Once she arrived in Glasgow, though, I think things got a lot better!

Having dinner & playing Harry Potter Cluedo with Rachel & Carlos

The wee coffee shop next door to my flat

Eating at 'The Chip' - the posh restaurant where I worked for four years (The Ubiquitous Chip).

Pudding at the chip: chocolate cake, crowdie ice cream and other yummies.

One of the things Heather was really looking forward to was a visit to Glasgow Cathedral. This is in the Blacadar Aisle, which features in a lovely medieval murder mystery series that Heather and I have read. I would recommend them! The author is Pat McIntosh, and the first of the mysteries is called "The Harper's Quine".

Of course, just wandering about near Glasgow uni was exciting too.

But nothing can beat the thrill of a Patsy dinner! This was my last - for now at least! - and Heather's first! Lovely!

Heather at Patsy Dinner!

Pecan Pie!

Strawberry milkshake cheesecake!

Malteser cake!

Friday 20 June 2014

Between Wales and Heather

A lot has happened between my Wales trip and my sister Heather arriving to stay with me through my graduation and leaving Glasgow. As Heather pointed out to me, I won't be able to continue my Canny Glasgow blog once I leave Glasgow - which is a very sad thought indeed! So, before I run out of time I'd better put up the last of my activities and accompanying pictures!

I'll try and not include too many pictures, as it might be a little too much! Here are a few from our last day in Wales, then I'll move on to what I've been up to in Glasgow in the time between:

Smallest house in Britain, still in Conwy.

Conwy Castle

Back in Glasgow! This was en route to work in the morning, a wee fox spotting.

And most importantly, I finished and turned in my dissertation! I can't tell you what a relief that was!

On Easter, Rachel and I walked to Victoria Park. It is a lovely spot, and it was a beautiful day.