Saturday, 22 February 2014

Just being together

This is my last in Utah post - then I'll go on to Glaswegian stuff again! Can't believe I'm three months behind still. In my defence, I have had classes and stuff keeping me busy!

I think I've mentioned this in recent posts, but it was so nice to be with everyone again. Just being together was such a sweet experience for me, and I appreciated the time I had to do that before going back to Glasgow.

Katie & I watching one of our favourite BBC films: "Our Mutual Friend". Bliss!

Heather, Morag, Hermione & me.

Hanging out at Jared & April's. Katie was doing everyone's hair. 

Jared & mother talking about deep things, no doubt!

Katie braiding Lexi's hair.

Heather's hair. That is some fancy braiding!

Near the end of my trip we went to see Jennie & her new dog - a lovely Scottish deer hound! 

Katie basking in the sun with Nevis, the new pooch!

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Katie's Birthday - part two!

I'm finally getting around to updating my blog. Still months behind! I hope you'll all  be patient with me as I catch up!

I took so many pictures on Katie's birthday, that I knew I'd have to divide them into separate posts, so here's part two. After our jaunt up the canyon we had lunch and we also visited our old friend Glen's antique shop. Glen wasn't there, but his son Greene was. I always think of Greene as a wee tow-headed lad, but he's a large young man with darker hair and facial hair as well. It was incredible! He's very like Glen, too, which is amusing and a bit disconcerting.

Beautiful 18th century doll. 

Skeletons! Squee!

Dylan trying on a Horatio Hornblower type hat!

Katie & her presents. 

My wee mum resting on the couch.

Katie's new jacket.

Natalie (Dylan's then girlfriend/ fiance now wife) made the most DELICIOUS cake ever! The peanut butter frosting was divine. 

A thing of beauty!

Katie requested vanilla cake (rainbow coloured) & peanut butter frosting. I wasn't sure this would be an exciting combination, but I was wrong. Apologies for the millions of pictures of cake. Yes, it WAS that good!